Barcode & QR Code Help Videos

Dive into Barcodes, QR Codes, and GTINs with Our Easy-to-Understand Videos

Barcodes and QR Codes: You see them everywhere. From items we buy to books we read. But, how to use or fix them? No worries! Our videos are here to help.


请遵循以下简单的 5 个步骤:

1. 播放您要翻译的视频。

2. 单击或点击 CC 按钮打开右下角的隐藏式字幕。

3. 您将看到自动生成的英文隐藏字幕。然后转到设置并单击或点击自动翻译。

4. 选择您想要的字幕语言,该工具会自动将这些字幕翻译成您选择的语言。

Featured Tutorials

Learn more about GTIN, Digital Link QR codes, barcodes, carton codes, SSCCs

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